You are the gardener of your life.

We are an Indy grown, local community center offering daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal self-gardening classes through traditional yoga and ayurveda.

Our community center offers:

  • great physical yoga workouts - move from the breath, explore rather than perform, improve strength and range of motion

  • breathing classes energize the body and calm the mind, claim the nervous system to act in the world, rather than re-act to it

  • chanting classes share devotion, build faith

  • cooking by body type (ayurveda) teach for whom and when what diet is best

  • empowering communication skills improve emotional health

  • relaxation classes to restore peace

  • Pre-registration and early cancellation for classes is required, though new students are welcome to just show up a bit early and learn our system, if pre-registration proves too difficult.

  • monthly workshops and professional Ayurveda health consultations with our founder, Pierre Couvillion are available

Yoga teacher training courses 3x the industry standards

Professional development or personal, mind-body-spirit enrichment

We offer weekend workshops and 1 year courses to change your diet and lifestyle using the gardening healthcare system, ayurveda. Santosha services include massage, personal training in yoga , ayurveda body care therapies, and ayurveda health consultations. Santosha offers Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher training programs, which emphasize on the job training - teaching practicums of 40 classes taught on site.

New students : we are happy to have you! Please register for our school using one of the “BUY CLASSES” buttons at top of page

Yoga en español : nuestros instructores Deanna, Melissa, Raquel hablan bien.